Trip Report for Cartmell Peak

An amazingly sunny day for a snowshoeing trip. Cartmell Peak is part of the Sasquatch Mountain Resort, which means you need to buy a $20 pass, but part of that is for a lifetime membership - just don't lose the card.

Bruce (VA7SGY) organized the trip, and Austin (VE7QH) and Aaron (W7BCM) joined us as well.

It's a moderately challenging hike, with a ton of room to operate at the peak.

We shared radios, and unfortunately we didn't make it to the peak until after the HADES-R satellite was overhead, so my radio was just dead weight being brought up and down the mountain. :-/

But we made a bunch of VHF contacts locally, and Austin made CW contacts with Japan and France!

Oh - and a bonus 10% off at the Sasquatch Inn for dinner afterwards.

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